WAPDA Jobs 2017 Water & Power Development Authority
Here you can view different latest jobs offered in Water and Power Development Authority WAPDA in well known newspapers like Jang, The News, The Nations, Express, Dunya, Aaj, Nawa e Waqt, Dawn. WAPDA jobs 2017 for Engineers , electricians and other staff published in newspaper. Latest jobs in WAPDA with application form on PaperPk-Jobs.

Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an Act of Parliament in 1958. It is an autonomous and statutory body under the administrative control of the Federal Government.

In order to meet the requirements of the country in both water and hydropower sectors with an ultimate object to put Pakistan on the track of development, WAPDA has planned to construct five multi-dimensional water storage dams during the next 3-12 years. The building of these dams will not only help address acute water challenge but also produce cheap and clean hydroelectricity.

These projects will not only be beneficial at the national level but will also be instrumental for development of remote and less developed regions of the country where they are located.

In line with its mandate, WAPDA is working hard to harness water and hydropower resources in the country. The idea is to generate affordable, clean electricity, which will provide relief to the consumers by bringing down the power tariff. The building of water storages will meet the water requirements besides playing their role for mitigation of flood hazards.

List of WAPDA Jobs 2017
All Jobs in WAPDA available below:-

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