PPSC Jobs 2017 in Pakistan www.ppsc.gop.pk
Punjab Public Service Commission known as PPSC is Punjab recruiting government institution. Latest PPSC Jobs has been offered for various Punjab Government Departments like Punjab Police, WAPDA, Education departments, Mines, Agriculture, Medical etc. Selected candidates can be posted in any city of Punjab Province. Here you will be able to read all details, edibility criteria, vacancies list ,Last date to apply ,How to Apply for PPSC Jobs 2017 against each Job mentioned in the advertisement published in popular newspapers of Pakistan like Jang, The News, Dawn, Express, Nawa e Waqt etc.

PPSC advertises jobs on first week of every month published via leading newspapers. So overall 12 consolidated advertisements published and PPSC gives 15 days deadline for applying for jobs. PPSC has standardized Application

The head Office of Punjab Public Service Commission is at Lahore. Whereas regional Offices are at Multan, Rawalpindi, DG Khan, Sargodha, Faisalabad, Bahawalpur.
List of PPSC Jobs 2017
All Jobs in PPSC available below:-

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