Police Jobs

Police Jobs
Here is the page where complete and fresh information about commission officer, ASI, Counter Terrorism Department, Police Constable and Lady constable of Police jobs 2017 is available. The system of policing in Mughal India was organized on the basis of land tenure. Zamindars were responsible for apprehending disturbers of the public peace and performing other policing duties. At the level of the village, these functions were performed by the village headmen. In large towns, administration of the police was entrusted to functionaries called kotwals who discharged the combined duties of law enforcement, municipal administration and revenue collection. Patrol officers in form of village watchmen or patels in villages and peons, horse patrolmen and such other like men in the towns were present. Violent organized crime was usually dealt with by the military.

Now in Pakistan, Police is a Department of Provincial Government. Different criteria is adopted for selection of candidates for Punjab Police, Sindh Police, Balochistan Police, KPK Police  and AJK Police jobs. Career opportunities would be updated on as published basis. On Successful Completion of training candidates have to perform his duty anywhere in the Province.
Check eligibility criteria, Age, Experience and qualification for latest Police Jobs in the table  below.
NOTE:-Police Jobs will be uploaded as and when advertisement is published in the newspaper.

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