NTS Jobs 2017

NTS Jobs 2017 in Pakistan www.nts.org.pk
You can view all Government & Private NTS Jobs announced in Pakistan 2017. These Jobs are for  Punjab, SIndh, KPK, Balochistan, FATA/GB & AJK.  NTS is the abbreviation of National Testing Service. Basically this organization started its company as an non profitable organization that manages the academic performance assessment test(NAT, GAT etc). National Testing Service Pakistan is just similar to the ETS (Educational testing service) in United States of America (USA). Basically this organization offers two types of educational tests; these are National aptitude test (NAT) and Graduate Assessment test (GAT).

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Those candidates who wants to apply for jobs may submit their application form which can be obtained from the official website www.nts.org.pk. Candidates have to pay some amount as test fee in favor of National Testing Service Headquarter 1-E Street 46 Sector I-8/2 Islamabad which is non-refundable. All Latest Jobs / Career Opportunities are collected for Leading Newspapers of Pakistan like Jang, Dawn, The News, Express etc.
List of National Testing Service Jobs 2017
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