BPSC Jobs Consolidated Advertisement No. 12/2016 for Medical Specialists & 86 Staff Nurse

BPSC Jobs Consolidated Advertisement No. 12/2016

The applicants are required to submit one set of their documents with the application form in proper file-cover. All the Educational Certificates (Degrees/DMCs) must be verified from the concerned Board/University and Local/Domicile Certificate from the concerned Competent Authority. The candidates who acquired their degrees from Private Sector/Foreign Universities are required to get their degree(s)/DMC(s) verified from HEC.

The Government reserves the right not to fill any vacancy or to fill more or less than the number of vacancies announced by the Commission.

Local/Domicile Certificate: The candidate should submit local/domicile certificate of his/her district. A married female candidate, not already in Government Service and desires to apply on the basis of local/domicile of her husband, is required to submit the local/domicile certificate of her husband containing her name. In case of in-service candidates, the local/domicile certificate endorsed in service record of department will be accepted.

Age: Age will be calculated on the closing date for receipt of applications.
Zonal Allocation: The zonal allocation of vacancies has been made in accordance with the Government of Balochistan’s Recruitment Policy of 1991.

Experience: Unless otherwise prescribed in the recruitment rules, the requisite experience (with necessary valid documentary proof) means the post qualification experience gained in a regular, full-time paid job and that of the on job training subject to its relevancy acquired after obtaining the required qualification till closing date. Experience as part-time, honorary, apprentice and internee will not be considered/counted as experience.”

Eligibility: Eligibility of the candidates in terms of Recruitment Rules and the advertised conditions shall be determined after the conduct of screening/professional test/examination. On detailed scrutiny of the applications if they are found ineligible, their candidatures will be cancelled irrespective of the fact whether they have appeared in the examination/test or even qualified therein. On rejection of application of candidates on the basis of their ineligibility, the Commission would inform the applicants. Eligibility of the candidates in all respects shall be reckoned upto closing date. The candidates should therefore, make sure before applying that they are eligible in all respects for the post, they have applied for.

Viva Voce Test: The written/MCQs test qualified candidates will be called for Viva Voce Test and the same would be as follows:-
Current Affairs: (Last one or two month’s important happenings/issues which are highlighted in Print /Electronic Media.
General Knowledge: (Related to Balochistan, Pakistan and International)
Islamic/Religious Studies: (Islamic questions regarding day to day issues as Muslim and period of Khulafa-e-Rashideen). However, a candidate belonging to other religion would be asked questions according to his/her religion.
Pakistan Studies: (from 1857 till to date)

If any candidate claims that his/her qualification is equivalent to the required qualification advertised by this Commission, he/she is required to submit the equivalence certificate from HEC.

Last Date: 23rd January, 2017

Application forms are available at www.bpsc.gob.pk and can be obtained from the Commission’s office situated at Samungli Road (Near Railway Crossing) Quetta Cantt: on production of Treasury Challan (Green Colour).
APPLICATION FEE: The Candidates are required to attach with the application form the original treasury receipt of Rs. 2000 for BPS-19 & BPS-20, Rs.1000 for BPS-18 and Rs.600 for BPS-16 & 17. The amount should be deposited in the State Bank/National Bank of Pakistan or Government Treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of Government of Balochistan under the Head C02101 ORGAN OF STATE EXAM.FEE RECEIPT BPSC.

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