Jobs in National Textile University Faisalabad 24 Jan 2017

Jobs in National Textile University Faisalabad

National Textile University, Faisalabad is an equal opportunity employer and offers an excellent working environment. The jobs in National Textile University Faisalabad are offered for suitable candidates on (BPS/TTS/Contract Basis) for following positions:-

S No Position Requirement/Experience & Qualification
1 Professor (Textile Engineering, Computer Science, Management Sciences) As per HEC Criteria
2 Associate Professor (Textile Engineering, Computer Science, Management Sciences) As per HEC Criteria
3 Assistant Professor (Textile Engineering, Computer Science, Management Sciences) As per HEC Criteria
4 Registrar Master Degree with 17 years teaching/administrative experience
5 Dean/Director QEC As per HEC Criteria
6 Deputy Director, Industrial Liason Ph.D in Science and technology
7 Internal Auditor Graduate
8 Assistant Registrar Master Degree
9 Assistant Director student affairs Master Degree
10 Assistant Director Maintenance B.Sc Engineering
11 Senior System Analyst DBA MCS/BSCS Software Engineering
12 Lab Engineer B.Sc Engineering (Textile/Materials)
13 Consultant, Technical Textiles Ph.D Textile/Polymer/Materials
14 Web Developer Graduate in Computer Science
15 Transport Officer Graduate with 5 years experience
16 Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Graduate
17  Supervisor (Security)  ex-service man not below the rank of Subedar Major
18 Lab Assistant (NRTC) F.Sc with 3 years experience
19 Technician (Engineering Lab) Matric with trade certificate or 03 years experience
20 Lab Attendant (Applied Science Lab) Matric science
21 Security Guard An ex-serviceman not below the rank of L/Naik

Jobs in National Textile University Faisalabad 24 Jan 2017

Terms and Conditions for Jobs in National Textile University Faisalabad

Following instructions should be followed before applying for above mentioned jobs in National Textile University Faisalabad:-

  1. The ages mentioned above in advertisement are included for general relaxation. The other age will be relaxable as per University policy.
  2. Download Application Form from
  3. Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit separate applications completed in all respects with necessary documents.
  4. Government employees should apply through proper channel.
  5. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any post without assigning any reason. Number of positions can be increased/decreased according to the need of University.

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