Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) is looking to Induct high caliber professionals under different categories advertised in Express and Jang Newspapers on 5 November 2016.
- Chief Commercial (EG-VI)
- Chief Reservoir Stimulation Engineer (EG-VI)
- Chief Reservoir Engineer (EG-VI)
- Chief Resenroir Geologist (EG-VI)
- Chief Petro-physicist (EG-VI)
- Dy. Chief (Business Development Economist) EG-V
- Dy. Chief (Business Development Specialist) EG-V
- Sr. Security Officer (ES-IV)
- Sr. Driller/Driller ix (EG- IV / III)
How to Apply:-
Duly Filled application form in all respect giving name. father’s name. date of birth, domicile, detail of academic qualification, training and professional experience (period with dates, designations and name of the organization where worked) supported by relevant documents along with a copy of CNIC and two passport size photographs be sent latest by 30th November 2016 to the address given below.
Chief Incharge Admin/Recruitment OIl & Gas Development Company Limited OGDCL House Junnah Avenue Blue Area Islamabad
Last Date –30-11-2016