Services, General Administration & Coordination Department Sindh Govt. Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement
- Security Assistants
- Telephone Operators
- Electricians
- Photostate Machine operators
- Driver
- Gate Guard
- Guard
How to Apply:-
The intending candidates should submit applications on a plain paper addressed to
Security (GA), Services, General Administration & Coordination Department, Second Floor, New Sindh Secretariat Building No. 1, Shahrah-e-Kamal Attaaturk. Karachi
which should contain (i) Name (ii) Father’s Name (iii) Educational Qualification (iv) Date of Birth (v) Copy of Domicile Certificate (vi) Copy of PRC (vii) Copy CN1C.
Last Date —-30-11-2016 or 15 days after publication o advertisement (6-12-2016)