The Health Infrastructure Development and Management Company Limited HIDMC is a company under companies ordinance 1984 as a public limited company and is wholly owned and controlled by the Government of Pakistan. Its mandate is to carry on the business of constructing establishing setting up providing for organizing running managing maintaining or otherwise dealing with hospitals nursing homes clinics operation theaters dental clinics all over Pakistan and provide all permissible health and medical related facilities. The company shall also carry on the business of infrastructure development and expansion in line with Government policy for hospitals healthcare and either bacillary matters all over Pakistan.
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Internal Auditor
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Contracts & Procurement Manager
- Manager Planning & Design
- Manager Human Resource and Administration
- Manager Contracts
- Manager Procurement
- Manager Finance & Accounts
- Assistant Manager Internal Audit
- Assistant Manager Finance & Accounts
- Assistant Manager Contracts
- Office Manager
- Documentation Officer
- Naib Qasid
Chief Executive Officer a mature seasoned professional who directs administrator and coordinates overall activities of the organization in accordance with policies goals and objectives envisioned by the company. At least a master degree in management Engineering architecture law business administration or relevant degree. Minimum 10 years experience at senior management levels Through understanding of functioning and business processes of Government departments.