Online registration for Pakistan Navy Short Service Commission SSC Term 2016-B has been started. Both male and females can join Pak Navy as commissioned officer after BA, BSC, MBA, BE, BBA, MBA, MCS and MSC in SSC Operations Branch, Marine Branch, Supply Branch, Weapon Engineering Branch,Ordnance , IT Branch, Medical Branch and Navy Education Branch (Sub Lieutenant). New advertisement for latest Pakistan Navy Short Service Commission 2016 is provided below. This is a excellent career opportunity for those candidates who are looking for an employment opportunity as a commissioned officer in Armed forces, Candidates who are twice rejected by ISSB may also apply.. Registration started from 13th of June 2016 and last date is 3rd of July 2016. (How to Join Pakistan Navy As An Officer After Bachelor/Graduation).
- === Operations Branch – Marines & SSG (N) ===
- Graduates
- === Special Branch ===
- Metallurgy
- Chemical Engineering
- Telecommunication
- Industrial Electronics
- Industrial Manufacturing
- === Special Branch – IT Specialists ===
- BE – Computer Engineering
- === Medical Branch – Specialists ===
- — FCPS / FRCS / MRCP/ Equivalent —
- Anaesthesiology
- General Surgery
- Cardiology
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- === Education Branch ===
- Computer Science
- Library Science
- Islamiyat
- Pakistan Studies
- Psychology
Last Date — 3 July 2016