Jobs In KPOGCL Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Oil & Gas Company Limited 2016
Published Date on 16-Apr-2016 Saturday
Aaj Newspaper
Multiple career opportunities are open at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Oil And Gas Company limited (KPOGCL) Pakistan. is inviting applications under different heads, such as Job Opportunities, Retainership, Panel and or Consultancy service provider. Vacancies are advertised as per sector and categories but in section below we’ll put all announced posts in the form of list for individuals to access all job designations in a single place. In addition to professionally oriented environment company is offering an attractive remuneration package. For all those who meet the minimum eligibility criteria are highly encouraged to apply. Best part is all positions are required to be applied online only and minimal academic or professional qualification stands as, ACCA, CA, LLB, M.SC Geology, Geophysics, Geology, B.SC Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical) and MBA for respective job designations. KPK Oil & Gas Company Jobs 2016 KPOGCL Latest Recruitment advertisement is published Today in daily Aaj Newspaper on 16 April (Saturday) 2016.
Tax Advisor, Legal Advisor, Commercial Law Advisor, Corporate Law Advisor, Constitutional Law Advisor, Accounts Advisor, HR Advisor, Legal Advisor, ERP Advisor, JV Accounting Advisor, Training Advisor.
Advisors for fields such as Geology, Petroleum, AC G&G Studies, Seismic Processing Advisor, Wire Line Processing Advisor, Drilling Advisor, Horizontal Drilling Advisor, Geophysicist Advisor, Petroleum Reservoir Engineering Advisor, Seismic Processing Advisor, Shallow Well Testing, Well Mechanica Advisor.
Last Date for Online Apply -- 01 May 2016