Public Procurement Regulatory Authority PPRA Jobs 2017 via NTS 96+ Vacancies For Directors, Stenographer, Clerks, Data Entry Operator & Others

Applications are invited for Public Procurement Regulatory Authority PPRA Jobs 2017 via NTS 96+ Vacancies For Directors, Stenographer, Clerks, Data Entry Operator & Others. The details about offered latest paperpk jobs are given below:-

See also Pakistan Telecommunication Authority PTA Jobs 2017 2nd April 2017

Public Procurement Regulatory Authority PPRA Jobs 2017 via NTS 96+ Vacancies For Directors, Stenographer, Clerks, Data Entry Operator & Others Details

Public Procurement Regulatory Authority PPRA invites applications for following vacancies. The jobs are offered on regular basis.

S No Name of Post Education/Experience Age Limit
1  Director General HR  16 years relevant field qualification having 17 years relevant field experience  35 to 47 years
2  Director General Finance  16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 47 years
3  Director General Legal  Minimum LLB 16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 47 years
4  Director General Monitoring & Evaluation  16 years relevant field qualification having 17 years relevant field experience  35 to 47 years
5  Director General IT & Research  16 years relevant field qualification having 17 years relevant field experience  35 to 47 years
6  Director HR  16 years relevant field qualification having 7 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
7  Director Training  16 years relevant field qualification having 7 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
8  Director Finance/Accounts  16 years relevant field qualification having 7 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
9  Director Legal  16 years relevant field qualification having 7 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
10  Director Monitoring & Evaluation  16 years relevant field qualification having 12 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
11  Director IT  16 years relevant field qualification having 12 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
12  Director Research  16 years relevant field qualification having 12 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
13  Deputy Director SCM  16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
14  Deputy Director Training  16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
15  Deputy Director Finance/Accounts  16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
16  Deputy Director Legal  16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
17  Deputy Director Monitoring & Evaluation  16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
18  Deputy Director IT  16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
19  Deputy Director Research  16 years relevant field qualification having 5 years relevant field experience  35 to 42 years
20  Assistant Director Training  16 years relevant field qualification having 3 years relevant field experience  25 to 30 years
21  Librarian  16 years relevant field qualification having 3 years relevant field experience 25 to 30 years
22  Stenographer  Bachelor degree with 100 WPM short hand and 50 WPM typing speed  20 to 28 years
23  Stenotypist  Intermediate with 80 WPM short hand and 40 WPM typing speed  18 to 25 years
24  Upper Division Clerk (UDC)  Intermediate having computer knowledge  18 to 25 years
25  Data Entry Operator  Intermediate with 6 months computer course  18 to 25 years
26  Generator Operator  Intermediate having 5 years relevant field experience  18 to 30 years
27  Driver and Dispatch Rider  Primary having Driving Licence.  18 to 30 years

Last Date:
 The last date for submission of applications is 17 April 2017.

Public Procurement Regulatory Authority PPRA Jobs 2017 via NTS 96+ Vacancies For Directors, Stenographer, Clerks, Data Entry Operator & Others, latest paperpk jobs 2017
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Public Procurement Regulatory Authority PPRA Jobs 2017 via NTS 96+ Vacancies For Directors, Stenographer, Clerks, Data Entry Operator & Others -2

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