Assistant Education Officer Jobs in Punjab School Education Department August 2016 SSE NTS

Recruitment is on for Assistant Education Officer (AEOs) SSE Jobs 2016, Government of Punjab Schools Education Department in collaboration with National Testing Service has advertised these posts for suitable Punjab domiciled male and females. Applications will be considered from any amongst the 36 districts of the province who have completed their Master’s level education in respective disciplines along with professional qualification as B.ED, M.ED or M.A (Edu). Both fresh and serving Educators, AEOs and teachers employed under Punjab school education department are eligible to apply. Eligibility and suitability of each candidates will be determined on the basis of prescribed academic qualification as given below, further the shortlisting will be made on behalf of NTS test marks (60% passing marks) and the final interview. Assistant Education Officer (AEOs) SSE Jobs 2016 School Education Department Government of Punjab latest advertisement is published under daily Jang newspaper on 21st of August (Sunday) 2016.,
Assistant Education Officer (AEOs) SSE Jobs 2016 School Education Department Government of Punjab
  • Assistant Education Officers (AEOs) / SSE
Eligibility Criteria:
Individuals falling within 20-30 years of lower and upper age limit along with Master’s level qualification (M.A, M.SC) in English, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Mathematics, B.SC Agriculture (04 Years) are eligible to be considered for the post. Important notice is, age limit (maximum age) is further relaxable for male candidates, up to 35, for females up t0 38 and for disable up to 40 years.
Gender & Domicile:
Both male and females from any district of Punjab (having being domiciled) are encouraged and are suitable to apply.
How to Apply/ NTS Application Processing Guidelines:
475/- RS total is the test fee which is required to be deposited on an online slip provided by NTS (check link provided below) at any online branch of HBL, ABL, MCB or UBL. Fill the application proforma provided and send both items (fee slip + job form) at address underneath, within the deadline.
Note:- Application Form will bve avialbale Soon.

Last date — 5 September 2016


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