Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme 2017
Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme 2017 Apply Online for Master, MS/ M.phil & Ph.D Stduents. It’s Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme For Less Developed Areas. Online Registration is open for NEw Admissions for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 Semesters. Applicants are invited from all over the pakistan; Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Punjab, FATA/Gilgit Baltistan, & AJK. Newly admitted students are advided to Register Online on Student’s Service Portal.
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This Scheme was approved in 2012 by the Government. and It’s the part of Prime Minister Youth Program. 114 Districs of Pakistan are eligible to apply for this scheme.
Financial Coverage of the Scheme:
- Actual Tuition Fee (of Masters , MS/MPhil and PhD programs)
- On and Off Mandatory charges which includes Registration Fee/Enrollment Fee, Admission fee (For new admissions only), Examination Fee, Library charges(non-refundable), Laboratory charges, Research related academic activities only.
- Non study related heads like transport fee, hostel fee, Sports fee, Endowment Fund, Equipment Fee, Health Fee or Any Refundable dues will not be paid.
Approved Study Duration in which Student can get financial benefit under Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme 2017
Details are as under:-
Programs | Maximum Duration |
MA/M.Sc | 2 years |
MBA | 3.5 Years |
MS/MPhil | 2 Years |
MS/M.Phil (Medical Universities) | 2 Years minimum -3 maximum Years |
Ph.D (Natural Sciences) | 5 Years |
Ph.D (Social Sciences & others) | 4 Years |
Student guidance to Apply and Payment Procedure
- Students who are newly admitted in Public Sector University in Spring/Fall Session (depending upon the university’s admission cycle) are required to apply through online student web portal system i.e. by the given deadline of HEC
- Newly registered are not required to validate their records.
- The focal person of the university will approve/disapprove ‘Newly Registered’ students by the given deadline of HEC.
- HEC, office will scrutinize the data and look for any discrepancies and ineligible students.
- HEC will ensure payments to the students according to fee structure of the universities and approved heads of the Scheme
- Only approved students meeting the eligibility criteria of the Scheme will receive payment.
- Cheques are issued in the name of VC of respective universities/ financial aid offices. The universities are responsible for the disbursement of cheques to students.
- The process of disbursement is ensured through help desk portal where universities assign assets through helpdesk system.
- Subsequent payments are processed on receipt of satisfactory Fund utilization report from universities.
Students are not allowed to directly approach HEC office for the inclusion of names under the scheme. He/ She has to contact the focal persons of the universities incase any problem pertains to the online web portal system.
Application Procedure:
Applicants are required to register from this website if you have any queries, you can mail to [email protected]
Application’s Deadline:
Last Date: 15 April 2017.